ENTRY FORM - REGATTA TIVOLI MANDRAČ CUP - PULA Please fill out this Form. Thank you for coming. Looking forward to see you! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.SAILING BOAT *Sailing boat name Boat model *LOA *DRAUGHT *OWNER *Name, SurnameSKIPPER - HELMSMAN * Mob.SAILING CLUB *NameRegister Number *Register numberSail number * I CHOOSE: *ORCOPENORC AND OPENIf is selected OPEN - DIVISION please select :CRUISING (To enter the CRUISING division the boat has to have at least three of any of the following characteristics: - Furling headsail - Furling Mainsail - Dacron white sails - Teak on deck - Bimini - Fixed solar panels - Fixed propellor - Anchor windlass on bow - Age over 20 yearsRACINGThis decision shall not represent ground for Protest or Redress. VINTAGEOlder than 35 yearsDIVISION LOAIX (6,46-7,10)VIII (7,11-7,70)VII (7,71-8,45)VI (8,46-9,40)V (9,41-10,25)IV (10,26-11,10)III (11,11-12,00)II (12,01-13,49)I (13,5 -16)MAXIIf a Group consists of less than 3 boats, the Racing Committee can join them to the nearest Group. This decision shall not represent ground for Protest or Redress. HELMSMAN * Name, Surname, clubMEMBERName, Surname, clubMEMBERName, Surname, clubMEMBER Name, Surname, club, MEMBERName, Surname, club MEMBERName, Surname, clubMEMBERName, Surname, clubMEMBERName, Surname, clubMEMBERName, Surname, clubMEMBERName, Surname, club MEMBER Name, Surname, clubMEMBERName, Surname, clubMEMBER Name, Surname, club MEMBERName, Surname, clubI AgreeCompetitors, owners and their guests without any compensation, give the Organizing Committee the absolute right and permission to use their names, voice, image, biographical material as well as photographs of sailing boats in any medium (television, press and Internet media) including video footage, only for the purpose of advertising, promoting, reporting and information dissemination about the "Brioni cup Regatta" and the participation of crew members in the race.I AgreeI agree to accept the Racing Rules of Sailing and all other rules which apply in this Regatta. I declare to accept the sole responsibility for damages which I can cause to persons and objects during the racing in this RegattaSEND LUČKA UPRAVA PULAPogonska snaga poduzetničkog razvoja Istre kao i njena pomorska vrata. TZ PULAKreira tur. identitet destinacije i doprinosi njezinom tur. prosperitetu. AGD reklameTvrtka koja će svaku ideju realizirati u spektakularnu vizualnu reklamu. ADRINAUTTvrtka koja zna svaku inicijativu poslovno oblikovati i kako uspješno realizirati.